Imagine ...MOST PEOPLE spend more time during the week on email than they do with their families. They also lose a quarter of those days to recovering from interruptions, primarily due to email. 

Get more work done, Respond faster and Stay focused. SCompIT limits interruptions so you can stay on top of what’s important.

  • If you could improve on communicating with your staff about process or on account changes.
  • A method that would allow you to inform your staff on a prospect in which you could be ‘invited’ to share thoughts or ideas until the ‘project/prospect’ is closed.
  • Not having to look through every email in your inbox to see if you have any communications on the ABC project or about a new customer.

In other words, imagine being able to see all ‘Activities' in one convenient place and exchange information with everyone using a standard communication method.


What makes e-mail inefficient?

Making Business collaboration effective!

  • Spam and messages overload
  • Ambiguous and unclear messages
  • Time wasted dealing with unwanted messages
  • Unnecessary usage of the "CC" feature
  • No real and clear call to action
  • Slow response time
  • Fragmentedor incomplete replies
  • Unstructured communication
  • More for communication, No collaboration
  • No traceability
  • No activities filtering
  • No group collaboration
  • No structured feedback
  • No activity stream, priority or deadline control
  • No contacts with expertise directory
  • and many more
  • Collaboration dashboard focal point
  • Activities (projects) organization
  • Team members list and management
  • Workflow management
  • Approved communication forms
  • Call to action reminders
  • Awaiting replies status
  • Recent & Next action status
  • User Delegation
  • Document publishing and approval
  • News and Broadcast facility
  • Closed and completed projects
  • Archived and projects history
  • Project libraries
  • Securely shared documents
  • Role & Activities definitions
  • Predefined communication workflow
  • Third party usage enforcement
  • Tracking, reporting & cost allocation
  • Cloud based

What they say!

SCompIT quite literally creates time for me because I no longer need to constantly check my email. Instead, I’m alerted immediately when an action is required on a specific project.  Rich P. - CEO, Rock Tech Labs

Take back your life! I don’t even know when I get an email anymore. I check it when I have time. But I am alerted when an action I might urgently need arrives. Jimmy B. - Senior Software Developer, Fortisagent

SCompIT is great. It notifies me of important messages and allows me to respond from within the dashboard, so I’m not tempted to open my email. Nora R. - Founder, AYS Baltimore

It is absolutely liberating to be able to focus on important tasks without be interrupted by e-mail, unless SCompIT notifies me of a required action on one of my projects. I’m in love with your product. Terri F. - Attorney, Leathar & Waltkers